1 min readFeb 1, 2021


1.The Dems who come to the Senate for the impeachment have to make the trial about the Republicans who support the craziness. The Republicans are willing to just “move on” from murder, and to continue to say that the election was fraudulent.

The Dems should attack the legitimacy of the elections of those people. How do we knoew they didn't use the same machines?

They have to emphasize that they are still lying about this election, and are now working to undercut fair elections and install an unelected, authoritarian leader. If Trump goes unpunished, it should be clear that they are a danger to the country.

I don’t expect it will change any votes, but the Dems should work hard to make big corporate donors uncomfortable. Capitalism doesn’t work well with a Russian style government. They can make a few asides about the Jewish lazers causing wildfires.


I would love to see Trump defend himself. Talk about reality TV at it’s best. Many of you are too young to remember Humphrey Bogarts’ performance as Captain Queeg in The Caine Mutiny.

Bogart was a great actor. Trump is not. I think his performance would prove the case against him, as he would rave about the stolen election. I wonder how the Republicans would deal with that — Hey, let’s reelect that guy from The Shining!




Written by D J B

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com

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