Actually, I take this as a hopeful sign. The crazy, “let’s kill all the poor people” rallies that are being hyped by the bigots and greed mongers, are getting a strong blow-back. Even Fox News is finally getting a bad rap for pushing people to go party while they broadcast from their home studios.
There are very few instances in all of history when those who control the power and money have said to the rest of the population that they were sorry and now they will share. Most of the people who aspire to run corporations, armies or countries do it more for their own glory than for the good of their followers.
The world is now in the middle of a crisis. The crisis exposed the weaknesses of the profits over people philosophy that has always been with us. But the people who have taken most of those profits are still pretty much protected from the virus, and now they are allocating the government’s money to themselves. Many people are feeling ripped off.
Will this crisis serve as a tipping point? You think that replacing a lunatic with a kindly old man will not open a path to change. I am more willing to take the small step that a frightened population will allow, establish a foothold and push for more.
Many members of our generation, Boomers and older, once took to the streets for equality and fairness, opportunity and a responsive government. We made some progress, but then we became complacent and the dark money kept chipping away until the whole structure collapsed.
The generations coming up now are feeling the full burden of being lied to and exploited. They are angry but naive politically. My hope is that they seize this opportunity to organize, put the old man into the chair at the head of government, and use his age and infirmities to establish a new generation of leaders who will help them create a country and a world in which they can build satisfying, peaceful and prosperous lives.
All of the old people running many of the world’s governments, but especially in the US, will soon be yielding to the effects of gravity. Maybe the younger people have really learned from our greed, complacency and mistakes.
Hope, small as it is, still remains.