2 min readOct 10, 2021


Ah, disillusion. You, who has already fought your way through so many psychic blows has come to realize that the world, and most of the people who live on it, are untamed, unpredictable, irrational, and often uncaring.

You forget that 77 years ago ( the year I was born) they were carpet bombing cities and then dropping nuclear bombs. Long before that France and England fought a hundred-year war and few people remember why, and no one cares about any of those things now. There have been slaves, serfs, and starving peasants since at least 4000 BCE.

You can be happy. You can make a difference in other people’s lives, and you probably already do. You can be a teacher. You can set an example.

So much has changed in the world, just in the last 20 years, that so many people are confused, anxious, and angry. A few have used this as an opportunity to take advantage of people’s fears and mislead them. Those few do that out of their own greed and a sick need for power.

Don’t get sucked in. Be with the people you love, like and respect.

Ah, disillusion. You, who has already fought your way through so many psychic blows has come to realize that the world, and most of the people who live on it, are untamed, unpredictable, irrational, and often uncaring.

You forget that 77 years ago ( the year I was born) they were carpet bombing cities and then dropping nuclear bombs. Long before that France and England fought a hundred-year war and few people remember why, and no one cares about any of those things now. There have been slaves, serfs, and starving peasants since at least 4000 BCE.

You can be happy. You can make a difference in other people’s lives, and you probably already do. You can be a teacher. You can set an example.

So much has changed in the world, just in the last 20 years, that so many people are confused, anxious, and angry. A few have used this as an opportunity to take advantage of people’s fears and mislead them. Those few do that out of their own greed and a sick need for power.

Don’t get sucked in. Be with the people you love, like and respect.

ALSO: Limit your news and social media to an hour a day. When that hour ends, breathe deeply and remember who you really are, and let he anger melt away. Live IRL!




I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com