Ahh, you are falling into the trap of seeking a rational discussion. What is happening in America now is that one party is trying to be “conservative” by maintaining the “status-quo.” To them, that means they want to keep the power they have gained but using underhanded, law-bending, sometimes breaking, tactics for the passed forty years.
All they want is to cut taxes for the rich and get rid of regulations for business, especially older industries, such as oil and mining, along with heavy equipment, military stuff and investment banking. They are bought and owned by some very rich people (Who paid off Kavanaugh’s debts?). They have no concern for anyone else.
“Freedom” means you can do what you want, exploit whoever you can, and keep pushing for more money. To them, if you don’t have enough, then you are either stupid or lazy. Don’t expect the government to help. That would cost money them don’t want to spend, unless one of their favored industries is going bankrupt from mismanagement.