As you have made clear, so far, Trump is still perfectly free to toss the ball on to the green and say he chipped it there. He is only suffering the disgrace of losing, and from the humiliation that fewer people care what he thinks. Also, I am not a lawyer but it is easy to see how a strong foundation for a complex case is being put in place.
“Tell me Mr. Weisselberg, you received a check to pay for you child’s tuition. The check is signed by Mr. Trump. Are we to assume that Mr. Trump did not know the purpose of this check, and the many others like this? We are accusing you of embezzling the money from the Trump organization. Mr. Trump probably knew nothing about this, isn’t that correct, Mr. Weisselberg?
I don’t think that Mr. Weisselberg’s lawyers are going to claim that the checks were not written, or even that they were legal. He did not claim the income of his taxes. To keep himself out of jail, he only has to say that Mr. Trump authorized the checks. He could also say that Mr. Trump was the one who devised the plan. There are many questions that Mr. Weisselberg will be asked about how the business was run.
But, so far, Trump can talk “witch hunt.” However, he no longer has the entire Justice Department coming to his defense.