At any other time in American history it would be totally unacceptable to have a person seems incapable of understanding reality. Even Andrew Johnson explained his racist reasoning. But Trump is the result of years of American entanglement of politics and entertainment. Years of TV, radio and Internet spewing out lies, distortions and totally absurd conspiracy theories.
The problem is that we have a President who believes those things, and that is all he believes. He is also a man who is incapable of admitting he is wrong or of even listening to anyone else. Yet, he remains in office, surrounded by a carefully pruned bunch of sycophants, who attempt to create bizarre explanations of his words and deeds.
Trump has already long surpassed the combined death totals of Jim Jones and David Koresh in the number of his own followers who have died due to following his directions.
He should be removed from office now, or he will continue to bring more corruption, death and destruction, and undermine democracy and the rule of law and leave the country, and the world, in tatters.