But, I think you are mislabeling yourself. Even Bernie and AOC are not Socialists, in the true meaning of the word. They are not advocating for the kind of government that is expects the government to run industries, or set strict economic policies. I doubt that you think that nationalizing the oil and gas industry, the auto industry, the solar power industry, the big farms, the big bakeries, or having government set strict goals and priorities would be a good idea.
I think what you would like to see is a government that takes care of all of its citizens, a government that does the things it can do better than industry. Social Security and Medicare are those kinds of programs. Schools are a community project. Healthcare is being run terribly by private companies. Health should not be maximized for profit, it should be designed to keep the nation healthy.
Climate change is another example of how we need cooperation more than capitalism. A good transportation system would be helpful Childcare, sick leave, old-age care, affordable college and graduate schools, and an internet service that can connect the whole country. A basic income?
These are things a government can do at a lower cost, more efficiently, than for-profit companies. We’ve got to find a better name for it. “Democratic Socialism” is what Bernie and AOC call it. Maybe we should just call it a Concerned Caring Government.
Most Republicans would still be against it because it would raise taxes and shut down some exploitive industries. Too bad. It's time to move into the 21st Century.