Change comes about when there is a shift in perspective. That has been made more difficult due to the crazy, destructive, coordination of right-wing media and social media, including Russian input that continues to spread lies and conspiracy theories. The best way to combat that is with personal contact. Get out in your community and do good things to the people who least expect it. Show them that you don’t eat children and you’re not working for George Soros. Help them with their gardens, shopping, and children.
Once you have established some credibility you can politely ask them to explain why, when you see things that you think 1+1=2, they think 1+1=12,000. How did that happen?
Another thing that would help is that the people who do illegal, immoral, and threatening things, like try to overthrow an election, should be arrested. They should be shamed, disgraced, and banned from politics. Many of them should spend 2 to 25 years in jail.
That would clear up some of the fog.