Correct. Trust is the biggest problem that America has to deal with.
Right now, Biden is naming the people who will help him restores some sanity, dignity and stability to American and the world. He is not as radical as many of would like, but he is moving in the right direction, and most people do really trust him.
But America is trying to tell the world that we are back to being dependable. However, the world has seen that it could all fall part again in four years. Trump could reemerge, or Tucker Carlson, or The Hulk.
There is still Over 40% of the country who think that the Democrats are socialists who will sell them out to a world cabal, take away their guns, and steal their children for sex. Two of them got elected to Congress.
You are correct in that Biden has to do what Obama did not do, and that is get out and sell his policies and vision for America. He has to smash the hypocritical, chicken-hearted, lying, corrupt Republican Party. He has to go to Ohio and Texas with both Sherrod Brown and AOC, and show that what he will be doing is good for everyone.
In addition, all of those groups that wrote postcards, text messages, did voter registration, and showed up at Congressional Town Hall meetings, have to keep pushing. They have to take over the state legislatures in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and Texas. We have to continue to build unions, better schools, and to close the wealth gap.
Those are the things that people want and need. The trouble is that there are so many who don’t even know things like that exist or are possible. They still think the virus was a Chinese plot, and it's a hoax that can be ignored. And many of them haven’t changed their mind, even while they are on respirators.
But maybe, if they get an affordable health insurance plan, and a job in the solar energy business that pays over $20 and hour, they may come out into the sunlight.