Every day, every creature on Earth is faced with several challenges that need to be met for survival. For humans, the simple act of getting up, means we have to have the strength to push against gravity. We have to eat. We have to stay warm, but not too warm.
These things sound simple, but the often complex process of solving these things takes up most of our waking hours.
Also, part of our genetic demands that we, as a species, attempt to reproduce. That creates a whole different set of challenges. It almost always involves getting involved with other people, making friends, learning about relationships, communication, understanding, negotiating. We have to use all kinds of skills that no one specifically has taught us, and which will be slightly different for every person with whom we interact.
Meeting these challenges often feels very stressful, but they are also the source of most of what makes life worthwhile.
Appreciate these challenges, for they are what keeps us alive. Enjoy the learning, even the mistakes, and the falling down, the getting confused or rejected. Improve you skills. Assert yourself without being demanding. Show others that you appreciate their efforts toward you. Be kind and giving to almost everyone. That is good for them and for you.