First, I agree that “she could have said” suggestions are not the most helpful, except that they will be asked this question many more times.
Second, what Harris did say, the Republican did pack the lower courts with incompetent ideologues was an important point that the public needs to be aware of.
Third, this is what I would have them say, and so far, many of my posts have been so unoriginal that I should be called “Mr. Zeitgeist.” So maybe many others feel this way.
The voters don’t want this woman confirmed until after the election. But if the Republicans are going to risk everyone’s health to ram this nomination through before they get creamed in the election, then we will see how things evolve.
The Supreme Court plays a critical role in keeping America safe and stable. If this court proves to be so reactionary that it is obviously impedes the health, safety and progress of this country we will have to find a way to remedy such a highly political, highly ideological situation. The Supreme Court needs to maintain the respect of the American people. Right now, the Republicans, by changing the rules in order to force the selection of three very partisan justices are threatening the credibility and status of the court. But we are sure the Justices recognize their awesome responsibility, and are devoted to keeping America just and free. We will reserve judgment until and unless the country demands that something be done.