For forty years now, most American businesses had one priority, maximize profits. Caring for the customers or workers was done as long as it made things more profitable. But, if the company could pay less, it did. If it could charge more, it did. If it could avoid paying benefits by keeping people working part time, then it did that too.
The profits went to the top officers of the company and the stock holders, if there were any. If the profits vanished, then the company either got a bailout from the government, or went out of business, as a lot of them are doing now.
The US was headed for some kind of affordable healthcare for everyone, even if they didn’t have a job, but this administration didn’t think their citizens deserved that. They didn’t feel the need for paid sick time, child care, or even a decent education.
We are Americans. Everyone is free to take care of themselves, and to grab what they can as fast as they can. The spoils, and the toilet paper, go to the fastest, the highest bidder, and the well connected. Everyone else can risk getting the virus.