Hey Man, and I mean MAN,
We had almost 50 years when women were allowed to enjoy having sex without worrying too much that some kind of slip-up would mean a drastic change in their life. I know abortions aren't fun, and no one wants to get into that situation, but lots of people are unhappy when they learn they are pregnant, and for fifty years they had a pretty harmless way of getting passed it.
And what did we get for that? Women doctors and lawyers, women CEOs, women scientists, more women graduating from college, a more diverse and more skilled workforce, and wives who could make as much money as their husbands so that when they were ready to have children they could support them.
We also got a decline in child poverty, a decline in domestic abuse, and a big decline in the number of women being diagnosed with depression.
But a crazy, ignorant president, along with a dishonest, manipulated Senate, was able to change the rules and fill the Supreme Court with three lying political hacks and religious fanatics.
Now the country has to rally and show all of those people that those should not, cannot, and will not be the way a minority of liars and cheats gets to run the country. We have to protest, vote, and act-up, We have to pass new protections for women and we have to take these laws to court 10,000 times, with 10,000 reasons why they are unconstitutional and very harmful to the American public.
The Supreme Court was established to settle disputes in a fair, just, and reasonable way. Their role is not to punish Americans for things that upset some crazy religious fanatics. They are turning America into East Germany, with people spying on each other, and everyone carrying guns, ready to “protect themselves” from the dangers they have created with their rigid, angry, paranoid attitudes.
Support the ACLU! Put four new justices on the Court.
Vote against ALL Republicans at every level.