Hey Mike, you are starting to get even more upset with this chaos. Let’s keep things in perspective. Remember, 99% of all of the species that existed on earth are now gone: extinct. So why not us?
But humans have been through this kind of cycle many times before. It has been happening more rapidly over the last two hundred years. Much of it happens every time there is are changes in technology. The changes usually come with new forms of energy, which then upset the order of who has control of the levers of power.
This happened with the end of slavery and now, those who have become rich and powerful over the last 120 years, stating with John D. Rockefeller, are seeing their power slip away to the new digital technology industries. They don’t like that, so they are getting all their workers to support someone like Trump to attempt to hold on to the past, so they can keep their antiquated jobs.
But the new technologies are a false promise. Except for Amazon, they don’t need to exploit many workers. They don’t need many workers at all. That is already causing fear and chaos among the middle class. That is the new crisis the world is refusing to face — except for maybe Andrew Yang.