Hi Cloeystarr,
Thanks for the reply. You put it out there, and I have no expectation that I can change your mind. Do I have questions? Yes, many, but it’s late here on the East Coast.
I disagree with almost everything you said. We agree that China is a threat and doesn’t play fairly. I don’t think Trump has done anything to make that better. Ithink he is allowing China to take over the whole developing world, with his short-sighted policies and his total lack of diplomatic skills.
BUT, the main thing I want to question is what makes you think that Trump cares about the Middle Class. He talks a lot, but he has constantly screwed them over. He has no idea about how to build a secure future. He tries to pump up all of the old industries that his big donors own. Wages were just beginning to creep up, and now, with 20% unemployment people will be lucky to be working at all. 45% of working people barely make enough to live on. They can’t afford to get sick, and they can’t afford health insurance, and Trump doesn’t want them to have it. He doesn’t like unions. He doesn’t like, or understand innovation. He doesn’t really understand business. He was always just a swindler, who either sued people, paid fines or went bankrupt, and that is how he is running the country.
Do you consider yourself Middle Class? Has your life improved since he took office? Or are you happy that you’re just not suffering as much as poor people, immigrants, small business owners, and the people who work for them?
I take it for granted that the lies, the total corruption, not only of him, but of so many in his administration and the Republican Party, the cruelty of almost all of his policies, and the anger and divisiveness that he has constantly flooded over America, don’t bother you. You probably blame that on Obama.
Sorry, I started to get worked-up there. Really, I want to thank you for the reply. It helps me understand things better, even if I can’t follow the reasoning.