I am an upper-middle-class-white guy. Today I took my UMCW grandson to the park. There were three other UMCW kids, mostly well spaced, running around on the equipment.
I was not pleased to read one of the comments to this post that noted that most of the deaths are of people over 60. I don’t want to get sacrificed for the cause. I will not go into a restaurant, theater, stadium, political rally, wedding, or any other large gathering in which people will probably stand close to each other.
Most UMCW people are healthy and have managed to stay clear of the virus. We had other people bring us food and pick up the garbage. Many of them got sick. We feel that it is now pretty safe to meet with friends in our spacious back yards, especially if they bring their own wine.
I fear things will become even more lax as the summer wears on. From what I have read, the virus will not spread as rapidly outside, but it can still spread with enough exposure, or one or two inhalations taken at the wrong time and the wrong place. One infected person standing in line for a lobster roll can infect the entire line if people don’t take precautions. The steps are not difficult; wear a mask, stand six feet apart, wash your hands.
Sadly, most people will begin to stop doing those things until they know someone close to them who has gotten sick, or when they are sick themselves. Then the cycle may start all over again, and some of us old folks may not be here to see if pass.