I am staying home. I am older, and vulnerable. The virus could do a lot of damage to me if I get infected. Part of the reason I will stay home, probably until I get vaccinated, is due to people like yourself you feel free to take the risk.
Would you stay home if you get infected, or is it your right to go around and possibly infect others? If you become very ill will you go to the hospital and expect our health workers to take care of you while you put them in danger?
The libertarian philosophy to which you seem to adhere to me seems to ignore that we are living in a complex society. We can see how a virus can quickly spread all across the globe because the people in the world now work, play, and buy and sell to everyone. But you want the complete freedom to take care of yourself, as if everyone else has the equal opportunity to do that.
A world of “I’ve got mine; I don’t care and won’t share with you,” sets up a world of destructive competitiveness. It’s too late for that. There are too many of us. Negotiation and cooperation are now necessary for the long term survival of the species. I care about my kids and my grandkids. i don’t want them to have to live behind gates and walls, exploiting people who have less and need more. That’s not a viable solution.
Thanks for the reply and the discussion. I’m not attacking you, I’m just disagreeing with your ideas.