I would recommend that as long as you remain confined that you prioritize exercise, with an emphasis on flexibility and freedom of motion.
I am telling you this from experience, as I will turn 76 in a few months. I was living a life very similar to yours, going places, hanging out with friends, traveling the world, even drinking craft beers, until my 75th birthday when the world shut down.
I am pleased to see you are taking the virus seriously. At 75, with some lung damage from the chemo I had a couple of years ago, the odds of surviving the virus are not in my favor.
What makes me feel a little pressured is that being basically healthy, strong and cancer-free now, but having to hide from the dangerous molecules, I lose a year that I cannot get back. I have friends in their eighties, and they are old. I’m not old yet, but the future is clear. Zooming doesn’t cut it.
Gimme the vaccine!