If Trump steals the election. If he manages to disqualify ballots that are clearly legitimate by using state legislatures, or voter intimidation, or just destroying them, and then if his hand-picked devotees on the Supreme Court come up with some justification for his actions, and he flips enough states by these actions, or at least creates enough confusion that the courts jump in a rule, then Americans can’t let that pass.
If that happens, and is allowed to stand, it is probable that Trump will destroy what is left of our Republic and run again in 2024.
What do we do? We do that they did successfully in South Korea, what they are still doing in Belarus and what they did unsuccessfully in Hong Kong. We take to the streets. We will need a bout 2 million people to march into Washington and surround the government buildings and shut down the government. There will also need to be big demonstrations in the cites, shutting down the streets and businesses.
Trump will lose the popular vote by more than he did to Clinton. It could be more than 5 million and maybe ten. If what he does is so obvious, and that he is just lying about fraud and about illegal votes, then we will have many major businesses people ready to oppose him. Most Americans, even the rich Trump people, know that America needs freedom first. We are not a conformist culture like China, or a suppressed culture like Poland or India. We will need a general strike until he steps down.
He will try to call out the army. He won’t mind shooting American citizens. But I don’t think the army will listen.