It is very difficult when all you really want to do is live your life in an easy, peaceful, and healthy manner, but the society you find yourself in is aggressive and oppressive. From an outsider’s (US) point of view, it seems that the Russians allowed Putin to take control in order to stop the chaos, corruption, and instability that followed the end of the Soviet Union. That turned out to be a bargain with the devil, as Putin found ways of consolidating power and eliminating any opposition. Looking back, that is when people who could, should have become alarmed.
But, the US seems to be rushing toward the same political moment. The Republican Party is making it very clear that they no longer wish to be part of free, open, and fair elections. They have already installed a Supreme Court that supports those ideas in secret sessions. Like Putin, they are working hard to demonize the free press and any opposition. They want the opposition party to be seen as enemies of the state, and not a loyal opposition. They are pushing a nationalist, racist agenda. They want to establish a government run by and for the most wealthy people in the country. Our former President is a big admirer of Putin, and it shows.
The question now is can we avoid the mistake that the Russians made in 2012, or will we be able to put in the effort it will take to defeat the demons? So far, it doesn’t look good.