2 min readDec 10, 2021


It sounds like Johnny didn’t get everything he wanted for Christmas. A lot of what he is crying about is in the BBB Bill. Has he expressed his hopes and concerns to his congresspeople? They are still working on it and there will be 70% of what he asks for.

He doesn't seem to notice that the economy is booming, mostly because of how Biden has pushed money into it and overcome total opposition by the Republicans.

Unemployment is down, wages are up. Workers are find that they have power to choose the jobs they want. The supply chain, ruined by Trump’s incompetence, is now working again.

Money is coming to every city and town to improve bridges, roads, public transportation, wi-fi, and healthcare, housing, and other basic needs.

He continues to do whatever he can to get the virus under control. It is not fascism to have vaccine and mask requirements, that’s called public safety and public health. It’s called living together in a civil society. Yes, the Republicans feel the only way to be safe is to carry a gun, but many of us don’t feel that is the way to live.


Biden is taking a strong stand against Russia and for NATO and our other allies. He has lessened the horrors of our immigration problem, but no one wants to help him with this, they just want to blame.

ALSO: Biden has made it clear that he is going to pass a voting rights bill and fight against the huge wave of lies, distortions and the undercutting of democracy.

Those things you have asked for have been needed for the last thirty years. Republicans have managed to stand in the way because it will mean that the top 2% have to pay more taxes so that everyone else can live much better lives and the country can prosper. The Republicans call it communism, when really, it is just government.


Did you notice that going into the mid-terms the Republican Party decided not to have any kind of platform. They are trying to win on racism — sold a little more subtlety than howTrump did it- and cheating.

If you want those kinds of benefits from your government you should have been working on it for the last thirty years, or at least cine you were old enough to realize what’s going on. Get more of your people elected. Don't walk away from the ones you have.

This is Biden’s first year. He is working without a real majority. He has been doing amazing things, more than Obama. I don’t know what you realistically expected.




Written by D J B

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com

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