I’ve already signed up to work for Elizabeth Warren but itt was over 100 degrees on Cape Cod today, and it has affected my thinking. There were sharks in the Bay. This has never happened before. It’s another clear example of how the world is changing. That’s the issue the Warren and the Dems need to focus on. They should begin every talk and “town hall” with a slap at the raving-racist-rapist, and how he uses divisive, desperate ploys and then move on.
The Warren and the Dems have to stress that this is the 21st Century and America needs to live in the Now and prepare for the Future — not look to a mythical past, when the country was run totally by White men. The Dems should LISTEN TO ME!!!
Issues: Many of which Warren has addressed, but perhaps with too many specifics.
Healthcare: four words: accessible, affordable, comprehensive, caring. That’s what they should promise. The details will be worked out.
Immigration: A humane plan of capturing, processing, screening and either admitting or not admitting those who want to come here, or seek asylum. It should include a plan to involve all the governments involved to solve the regions difficulties, many of which have been related to the exploitation by American corporations, their own corruption, and America’s appetite for drugs.
Climate destruction: Face it, deal with it. It’s 100 degrees at the beach! Reduce the use of fossil fuel while supporting the development of alternatives. It can be done.
Education: Improve public primary and secondary education by encouraging respect for the profession of teaching. Raise teacher’s salaries with federal funds if necessary to attract people who want to teach but who also want to live in the communities where they teach.
Make public colleges free — — staring with community colleges. Encourage people to do the first two years at their local community college. Have grant money ready for kids to go on to get four-year degrees.
Jobs: Real jobs, with real wages, with the realization that there is a global economy and we need to be a major player in that. Also: dealing the AI and how it will affect everyone, at work, at home, on the street, and everywhere.Let’s be leaders of the 21st Century, not the 20th.
Here it is necessary to emphasize that the Supreme Court has become all pro-business and anti-worker. Their vies encourage $10 an hour wages with no benefits.
Legal: Equal justice under the law!!! Rich or poor. Black, Brown and White. Men and women, and everyone in between. No privately run prisons. Diversion programs for addicts and mentally ill, as well as earlier probation for non-violent crimes.
Trade: Negotiations and mutually agreed upon treaties. No more hostile trade wars in which everyone suffers. Favor our allies over dictatorships. Find ways to deal with China while attempting to limit China’s efforts to colonize the developing world. Make America a dependable partner.
Taxes. Repeal most of the the Trump and Bush tax cuts. Add a carbon tax, a billionaires tax and a luxury tax.
Really, all I’m saying is that the message should be that dividing the country will ruin it. Highlight the many ways that this current administration has failed to govern and has only created chaos. Constantly clarify the real issues that need to be resolved. All the Republicans offer is greed, corruption and scapegoating.
Don’t get caught in the craziness. Don’t respond to Tweets or rallies, except to point out how destructive they are. Stick to the message that the world has changed and the Dems have smart, sensible, understandable, answers that can be implemented without pain, and can end the interminable bickering.
Clearly the heat has gotten into my brain, but I saw a guy with a Trump shirt on today. I was so stunned I asked him if he would be happy living in Saudi Arabia, which is where the country is heading now. He didn’t understand the question and mumbled something about Muslims.
It’s the 21st Century: America wants change! Let’s do it right this time!