Sad, tragic, and worse, on it goes. As a White person who has feared for his country for years I assume that this killing is just one that went public. I believe there must be thousands that are happening all over the country, but don’t get on a video.
Much like Rutherford Hayes, the current person in the White House, along with his Attorney General, and even the Supreme Court, have pulled away the protections that the government had tried to provide for Black people.
Even Obama knew that it is very difficult to change such long-standing deeply ingrained attitudes about race. They were working to at least have consequences for excessive police actions. But with this killing the State of Georgia seemed to tolerate a murder by two random people who had guns. They must have felt, much like the White folks back in 1880, that it is always allowed to kill Black people, especially those who act as if they expect equal rights in their neighborhood.
Really, you are totally correct, what is necessary to finally bring about change is for enough White people to step up and demand that we save our country from destroying itself. If we cannot make this change the country may survive, but it cannot never thrive. We will never be able to deal with the many new problems that confront us in the 21st Century if so many of us continue to display the mentality of the 19th Century.
But people have to SAY something when they SEE something. I realize that writing on Medium isn’t really enough. We have to be more active politically, socially, and take the risk of making some people feel uncomfortable for making even the slightest racists comments or actions.
It’s already way too late.