Sadly, experience is the best teacher. When some of these folks who are hanging out get sick, that will have an impact.
Many people, especially younger people have the tendency to underestimate the risks they face in all of life. If they haven’t suffered much then they don’t anticipate suffering. It comes as a surprise.
Other people seem to be ignoring warnings because of their political leanings. They have been told that their money is more important than my life. They say their individual rights should not be challenged. They don’t want to see how interdependent we have all become. The “rights” they proclaim will make them and many others sick. They will put many medical professionals in danger. Yet, they will expect that medical treatment will be there for them if they need it.
Humans are hardwired for short-term rewards. We all have a great deal of difficulty believing that small acts now can create big problems later. The difficulty getting people to help slow the destruction of Earth’s climate is another clear example of that.
Critical thinking, long-term planning, and connecting cause with effect will defeat this pandemic, save the planet, revive the economy, unite the country, and keep me alive.
Try it. Once your brain gets used to it, you’ll not only see the benefits, you’ll enjoy it. When people see how doing those things improve your life, maybe it will go viral.