So far, the demonstrators have been a much more diverse and aware group of people than many of the earlier civil rights demonstrations. Many of these people are the same ones who came out to the Women’s Marches, as soon as Trump was elected. Where have they been for three years?
Much of it has to do with how Trump has mishandled the virus, and not noticed that so many people are suffering. It is a time when white people are getting a tiny taste of what it feels like to be black, and to be pushed to the back of a line that doesn’t move forward. Now, some of them are feeling what it is like to be beaten by police.
Trump’s decision to push and tear gas peaceful protesters in order to give a threatening speech, while holding up a bible he has never read, in front of a church he never attended, is so much more than a hypocritical fascist move. It shows how out of touch with America and reality this man has become.
Any yet, I just saw a Republican Senator criticize Biden for using this crisis for political gain. Not mentioning how Trump Tweets antiprot-Biden and anti-everyone and everything, every day.
My hope is that the demonstrations in Washington will have the same powerful effect of the demonstrations against the corrupt President of South Korea a couple of years ago. She resigned and had to pay back the money. That should happen here. We don’t need another five months of threats and anger.