Thanks for the reply.
Of course improving schools all over the country needs to be done. If I took Betsy’s place I would ban all private high schools. (Warren Buffet is for that also) How popular do you think that would be?
My point is that in the moment so many corporations are now so woke that there is a slight possibility of shaming them into doing something that would really make a difference. To me, the real goal is to get Americans comfortable with living and working with everyone who lives here.
Black people are about 20% of American citizens. They should be 20% of every income and wealth group as well. That’s not going to happen with more “affirmative action.” It’s going to take at least a generation. We need some long-term plan. Most corporations don’t seem to be good at that. They seem to just want to take the money and run, and hope that more money shows up tomorrow. We need to change the culture. My plan is just a few drops in that bucket.