Oct 22, 2020

That is Exactly the point. The Trump “witch hunt” is the biggest scandal in American history because Trump IS a Russian tool. He has spent four years hiding all the evidence. If it wasn’t for Rosenstein shutting down Mueller, and Barr distorting the report and not allowing any evidence to be turned over to Congress, and for the Republicans to not look at the obvious evidence during impeachment, Trump would be in jail now.

If that isn’t enough, this whole Hunter Biden thing is not only a big lie, it is a scheme that came from Russia. Trump’s whole life has been a lie, and without Limbaugh, Bannon and Murdock spreading those lies he would have a following of about sixteen people.

Sadly, many of those lies have proven fatal to many of Trump’s followers. And now his wife is too sick to be at the debate. We hope she is okay, but she shouldn’t have listened to her husbands lunatic ideas.


Written by D J B

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com

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