That’s true. And if we become “self-reliant” we will turn over the world wide market to China.
With Trump, and the “America Only” Republicans, we are dropping out of being members of the world community. Trump has no diplomatic or negotiating skills beyond threats, quid-pro-quo, and bullying. Our allies have lost faith in us, and his policies still favor Russia. Even today he has opened up the skies to Russia.
Yes, China is a threat to the stability of the world’s economy. But by focusing inward, we are letting them take over so many developing countries, and those countries become dependent upon China.
We will be losing the innovation and science advances due to our hostility to foreigners and to sharing information. We are letting 45% of our populations starve so that the 1% can acquire more wealth.
The world is complex and interactive. The virus has shown that clearly. By becoming “self-reliant” we are becoming obsolete. We could have been “self-reliant” to deal with the virus, but Trump didn’t know how to make that happen. All he knew how to do was blame others. He will be blaming others as Ameica’s health and economy continue to crumble. That’s all he knows how to do.