The biggest difference in this court, and it is one that cripples their credibility, is that the last three appointments have come by using a quasi-legal, or even illegal process. The justices lied about their views. Their appointments were heavily financed by the Federalist Society. Their confirmation process was rushed, and one of them came because the Senate refused to follow procedures and Obama let them get away with that, thinking a Democrat would be the next President. Instead, we got a fascist clown, who appointed political hacks. These people were well-groomed to support very specific special interests.
These “conservatives” show no concern for the damage their decisions will do to the large majority of Americans. They follow only three principles that they say they found in the “original constitution.” Those are, first, there should never be any governmental interference with how a business makes a profit. Environmental damage, fraud, price-fixing, wage restrictions, and price gauging, are all fine with them.
Second, no restriction on guns. That is really just a part of the first. The gun lobby paid for these new appointees as much as anyone.
Third, our laws should reflect the views and values of the most fundamental sect of the Christian religion. This is especially true in regard to women and sex, but in general, that sect also believes that money runs the world, and that anything that takes from the rich and gives to the poor is not something Jesus wanted. I’m still struggling with that one.