The Civil War you fear is Trump’s plan. He sees how he has lost the momentum. He has shown the country and the world that he stands for nothing but power and greed, and he can’t even do that well. His only hope is to triple down on divisiveness, inflaming his base, spewing out his fears, and hoping that his words and actions with bring about violence. Then he can call out the troops, and declare a national emergency. That is his only way of holding on to power.
Now, on the eve of his rally in Tulsa, he does not even need violence. He will attack peaceful protests and claim they were violent. He has the support of the Attorney General, who already has called out troops, even though he has no power to do so.
Trump is a scared paranoid. He knows he is losing and he can’t face it. He is more than willing to bring the entire country down with him. A Civil War is now his re-election strategy. He seems to be using Bashar-al- Assad as his model. He would love to have the troops mow down the protesters. His problem is that the army won’t do it. Even the Governor of Oklahoma is worried.
Trump hopes to find the spark that will ignite his gun-toting followers to recreate what happened in Tulsa a hundred years ago. Racism is his only hope — as well as anti-immigrant and anti-gay screeds and Tweets.
We will see how tomorrow plays out. Is this really what will be the Republican strategy from now until November? Are they all still behind him? Is Sean Hannity willing to grab is gun and take to the streets, or just incite others to do it for him?