The country is going through a very uncertain period. The Janets of the world are not violent or mean. Most of them are more ignorant than racist. She has paid dearly by living where they chose Trump over COVID.
But now, Biden is president. I know from doing clinical work that debriefing from a cult is a traumatic experience. Being confronted with the realization that things you deeply believed are wrong, and that the people you trusted have lying, can be devastating to a person’s sense of self. It is upsetting to think that you can’t distinguish reality, and that you’ve been played for a sucker — so you don’t.
The most upsetting part is that elected Republicans have just learned this. They have just come face to face with the realization that if they tell their voters the truth, they will be hated.
They went along with Trump’s big lie and now they are trapped, and the country is trapped with them.
The hope is that Janet may get the vaccine soon and $1400. Jobs will be opening up making solar panels or wind turbines. Then she will like Biden.