The US basically has a two party system. Rather than have many parties we select candidates through primaries. That tends to select candidates from the most energetic groups of the party.
The US now has about 330 million people. Half of them don't pay attention. The other half all have slightly different opinions, but the spectrum is very wide.
Making any policy that 55% of people will agree on is almost impossible. Immigration? It's a mess. I have no idea what would be just and humane and still prevent people of surging into the country. Central America is a mess, in part because of the high demand for illegal drugs in America. There are other reasons too.
The war on drugs was a failure, The war on poverty was a failure. Our secondary and college education system is unfair and a mess. Our healthcare system still seems to value profits over people.
Both parties have offered very little in creative ways about how to solve any of these things, in fact a lot of what they have done has made things worse.
Right now the Dems are dropping money from planes over poor neighborhoods, and the Republicans want to repeal the estate tax for families that have over $12 million.
There seems to be no place for negotiations or compromise.
I don’t think this is the fault of the voters. I think the whole system has been corrupted by the extreme need for money to get elected. It has become pay-to-play for both parties, and now even the Supreme ‘Court has been bought and paid for.
If America continues this way, we will have 15% of very rich people living in fear of the 85% who will be needing hand-outs to scrape by. It’s getting late to get real.