Trump is going to push hard to get people back to work. He thinks that the more the economy falters the lower his chances of getting reelected. The people who have poured tons of money into his campaign, and into the Republican Party, have told him that is what they want.
The Republicans are willing to bet the health and lives of their most devoted voters to get the workers back in factories, in restaurants, on golf courses, driving their cars, and flying in airplanes.
It seems that there is 35–40% of the country who have partaken of the Trump Kool-Aide and are willing to put their lives on the line for him. They will eagerly go out shopping and drinking if he tells them to.
What will they think of him if they can’t breathe and some of them die? Trump won’t care. He will say it didn’t happen, that it was the Governor’s fault, or a secret Chinese invasion of virus carriers.
Or, maybe Trump will be correct and only Black people, poor people and doctors will die. That will give the Republicans a better chance of winning.