2 min readMay 25, 2020


What if? We have seen so many of our Constitutional rights ripped to shreds right before our eyes, right in plain sight. We are seeing totally unqualified people become judges. We are seeing money being taken from the US Treasury by members of this administration and given directly to their friends. We are seeing a President who refuses to be accountable for many irrational acts. We don’t even expect to know anything close to the truth about what this administration is thinking or doing. Part of the problem is that they don’t have any idea what they are thinking or doing until it blows up in our faces.

They have kidnaped children, deported hard working parents of American children, and many of them have died in places where they never lived. This administration has abandoned our allies on the battlefield, scorned the military’s code of ethics, deprived people of medical treatments and medicines, found ways to keep people from voting, and they are trying to do that again. And recently, they are have decided that they didn’t want this virus to be a problem, so they refused to prepare for, and now that it’s killed 100,000 people, they still don’t care that it might kill 100,000 more, as long as their big donors corporate profits return. We still have no tests, not enough equipment, and no clear information about what is safe and what isn’t.

Yes vote! Vote for a viable candidate, But also try to consider which candidate has at least some idea how to run a government that cares about the citizens of this country more than it does about his own, personal fortune. We need a person who can answer a simple question without demeaning someone, without getting angry, and without telling more lies.




Written by D J B

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com

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