1 min readJun 4, 2020


What Mattis said yesterday is only a piece of the problem. What we have seen for the last four years, and now much more clearly due to the pandemic, and the death of George Floyd, is that Trump is a totally incompetent human being. He has no leadership skills, no diplomatic skills, no empathy, no compassion, and no concern for anything except money, power and fear.

What is also very clear, although it has taken half the country three years to actually face it, is that Trump, Pence, Miller, Bannon, and Barr, are committed White Supremacists themselves. Their plan to Make America Great Again has always been to have a ruling class of white, rich, Christian, men, and an underclass of poor workers, mostly of color, who will do the work that is necessary to keep the profits rolling in, and be paid slightly more than slaves.

The bible in Trump’s hand symbolizes that this view of America is God’s will.

He is a frightened paranoid, who is especially afraid of black men, But he is what the Republicans and their rich donors paid for, and they are still sticking with him.




Written by D J B

I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at djbermont@gmail.com

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