Yes, and no.
Yes, we must do everything we can to make sure anyone and everyone who will vote for Biden is registered, and finds a way to vote. The Dems also have to have poll watchers, poll workers, and all the people doing the texting and driving to get them there. Until the election we have to make sure that people see and hear what Biden has to say, and how a world with Biden as President will be so different from the dark, tense, divided, dangerous world of Trump.
Something everyone can do is to write, call, email CNN and tell them that even though they are saying a lot of bad things about Trump, they are not giving Biden the same kind of coverage. The media focused on Trump in 2016, and only talked about Hillary’s emails. Now they should make sure they cover both candidates evenly.
But, when Trump warns that the election will be rigged, he knows what he is talking about. He knows that his campaign has initiated dozens of invalid law suits in many states that challenge the way they are allowing voters to cast their ballots. He also knows that Russian agents are pouring tons of time and money into an effort to discourage voting, and disrupt the process. Trump is trying, in many ways, to rig the election.
By calling this out, we have found a line that many Republicans, even McConnell, will not cross. They don’t want their elections to be invalidated. Many of them are in close races, and if Trump challenges the outcomes, the whole process will loose credibility and Congress will be wiped away. They are speaking out, many for the first time, and saying that democracy is more important.
Trump is arrogant, ignorant and mean. He will not concede gracefully or go quietly. He will lie and cheat until everyone around him tells him that it’s enough. Then he will fire them and call Putin and ask what to do.
We all have to be prepared to hold the line. We have to have everything in place. Have counter measures ready, and pay attention. Trump tells you what he’s doing; it’s whatever he accuses others of doing.