You are obviously a very thoughtful woman who is concerned about what is going on in the world, and about the kind of country in which your child will live. That is why it surprises me and saddens me that you put such trust in a man like Trump.
I can see how sincerely upset your are about abortion, and although I have reasons to disagree with you, I see the validity of your position. But, if you are pro-life, how can you support a man and an administration that would take a baby away from a nursing mother just because she tried to bring her family into a better life? Do you want your child to live in a place like Texas and Arizona will be in thirty years, 125 degrees for six month? Did you already get infected with the virus and now you feel fine and you don’t worry about your parents, grandparents or children? Are you rich enough that you job is secure and you won’t get laid off so that the corporate profits will be greater while the workers suffer? Do you have accessible, affordable, and comprehensive heathcare if you or someone in your family gets sick? Do you want to live in a country where the rest of the world feels that the man running it is irrational and can’t be trusted? Where the man running it wants to have absolute, unquestioned power, and who admires Putin?
Did you watch the debate last night. Would you want your daughter to marry a man like that? Did you know that 80% of the things he said where lies, big, harmful lies. And he’s been saying them for years. That, in truth, he has paid millions for fraud, has lost more money than he has made, and run the most corrupt government in American history?
Or do you get your information from places like Q-Anon, or Fox news without checking out what may be truth or may be fiction.
Yes, I think that many of Tump supports are racists, and some are just old and angry. But it is people like you that upset me, because you are not like that. It is sooooo difficult for me how, given the things you care about, you can support someone whose main motivation is to take as much money as he can, and harm anyone who gets in his way.
Sorry for the rant, but it is people like you who will build a better America, but Trump is trying to divide it and destroy it.