You do a good job of explaining you points, and a better job of spinning the information. Like our friend, Dave, it would take a while to question things point by point. I will stop at three:
You make your own interpretation of brains studies. There is a quote from an abstract:
“Our findings extend previous observations that political attitudes reflect differences in self-regulatory conflict monitoring [4] and recognition of emotional faces [5] by showing that such attitudes are reflected in human brain structure. Although our data do not determine whether these regions play a causal role.”
This could also be interpreted to say that conservatives are much more suspicious and susceptible to conspiracy theories. They see dangers more quickly, some of them may not be real.
You say the liberals are against competition, which as some truth to it. Most liberals are against unfair, winner-take-all competition. In practice most conservatives are too. They like to control the markets. The have used the government to eliminate fair competition for decades. Look at their reaction to GameStop. Only hedge-fund managers can manipulate the market. Letting a bunch of smart-ass kids do it is against the rules — their rules. Who suffered in 2008.? Not the bankers.
Gun control hurts the “victims?” That means Tashaun Martin was a threat to the life of the man who shot him? Those kids in Sandy Hook were a threat to that guy also? I don’t see it that way. I’m sure you are not pleased with Congresswoman’s Marjorie Greene’s view of that tragedy.
On another matter, I don’t know why our last Red/Blue submission as not yet appeared. I’ve tried to ask Scott.